
Unbloated Markdown-like markup language

Why yet another Markdown(-like) compiler/language? What makes LiteMarkup different:

Open interactive playground

How to use the compiler

import { parseToAst, astToHtml } from 'litemarkup'

// parse LiteMarkup string into an AST:
const ast = parseToAst(src)
// render an AST into a HTML string
const html = astToHtml(ast)

// shorthand when you don't need the AST:
import { convertToHtml } from 'litemarkup'


Language tour

# This is a level 1 heading
## This is a level 2 heading
###### This is a level 6 heading

*This text will be bold*
_This text will be italic_

1. Here are
1. Some items
1. In a list
   * As well as
   * List _inside_ of a list!

A [link example](

some("code here")

There can be `inline` code as well.

Escape special characters with single backlash (\\) to treat it as verbatim. Add single backlash to the end of line to force a line break like this: \

> LiteMarkup is pretty easy!\
> \- Someone


That was a thematic break (horisontal line)

Open interactive playground

Most notable differences/deviations from the CommonMark specification at the moment:


Bugfixes and small enhancements are welcome. It’s unlikely I’d like to add any new features. If you feel you need one, make a custom fork.

License: MIT, see